
CISPR15 CDN Method for Radiated Emission EMI 30MHz - 300MHz CDN Radiation Test System
Products Description
CISPR15 CDN Method for Radiated Emission EMI 30MHz - 300MHz CDN Radiation Test System
Standards & Clauses:
CISPR15 / GB17743: Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
Samples and Restrictions:
Small test objects such as electrical lighting equipment
For small test objects such as electrical lighting equipment, the CISPR 15 standard states that the Coupling / Decoupling Network (CDN) method is an alternative to the radiation emission measurement method. Measuring the common-mode terminal voltage with a CDN shortens the test time and saves space.
Test Principle:
The principle of the CDN method is that for a small EUT, the radiation emitted by the common mode current on the lead is much larger than the outward radiation on the surface of the test object. Since CDNs provide a stable common mode impedance, the emission of radiation can be deduced by measuring the common mode voltage. CDN method can measure the frequency range of 30MHz - 300MHz.
Main test equipment: receiver, CDN network, voltage probes, EMC test software
Use Environment:
Power supply: 380V ± 10%, 50 / 60Hz
Technical Parameters:
CISPR16-1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus –Ancillary equipment –Radiated disturbances Reference
Test environment: shielded room or anechoic chamber
Ambient temperature: 5 °C ~ +40 °C, there should be no high concentration of dust, corrosive gas, flammable and explosive objects
Main Test Equipment:
Receiver, CDN network, voltage probes, EMC test software
Test Environment
Shielded room or anechoic chamber
Frequency Range
CDN method can measure 30MHz - 300MHz.
Schematic Diagram