
Decoding ISO 6722-1: A Comprehensive Guide

News 2025-01-08 80

Many standards, created by the ISO (ISO), ensure uniformity and effectiveness in various industries.6722-1 is such a standard, playing a crucial role in the financial industry.The article explores the details of 6722-1, emphasizing its importance, relevant demands, and real-world uses.

iso 6722-1

6722-1, also known as the ISO 6722 Financial Messages, is a set of international standards defining the format and information of financial messages.EDI (EDI) between financial institutions, such as banks, payment networks, and other organizations involved in the financial industry, is primarily used for these messages.

iso 6722-1

The requirements of 6722-11. Message formatThe structure of financial messages, specified by 6722-1, includes the following components:The header contains information about the message, such as source, destination, and message category.2. data fields6722-1 defines various data fields that must be included in financial messages, including:

iso 6722-1

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