IEC60335-1 Clause 8.1.3 Test Probes For Luminous And Thermal Components 41
Products Description
IEC60335-1 Clause 8.1.3 Test probes for luminous and thermal components 41
Product Overview:
This probe meets the requirements of IEC 60335-1 clause 8.1.3, IEC 61032 Test Probes 41 Figure 16. The probe is used to verify the protection of the heating element.
Probe Dimension:
Probe cone part length (mm)
21.5 (0,-0.05)
Probe rod part diameter (mm)
Probe length (mm)
Handle diameter (mm)
Handle length (mm)
Probe material (mm)
Stainless steel
Handle material (mm)
Please refer to the relevant standards.
IEC 60335-1 clause 8.1.3 is used as an example:
For equipment other than Class II, test probe 41 of IEC 61032 may, without applying visible force, touch the energised parts of visibly illuminated heating elements, all poles of which can be disconnected by switching action. It is also suitable for parts supporting such elements, provided that these supporting parts are clearly visible from the outside of the equipment in contact with the element and that covers and similar parts do not have to be removed.
Siano offers a full range of IEC 61032 test probes and also produces a wide range of test probes that comply with the requirements of other standards, such as UL, VDE, BS, etc. Siano test probes are available in a wide range of sizes and sizes. Siano's test probes are highly accurate and can be calibrated by a third party.
1. Do not damage the shape of the device (e.g. scratching, bending, etc.).
2. Protect from dust and humid environment so that oxidation will not affect the dimensional accuracy.